Why to Blog?
My Blogging habit commenced from January 2009 and I still love it a lot..!! I have a second blog running parallely. Here is its URL.
Blog is something that displays your thoughts to the outer world. Whatever is in your mind, you can deploy that on your blog, as its all yours. Many use blog for helping others, many use it for storing memoirs, many use them for technical discussions and many for fun and money. If you are addicted to writing.. blogging is your domain for sure.
What to Blog?
Its Important to know where your interest spans. A personal blog may contain all the happenings in your life and pictures to display them. A technical blog may contain certain useful information which you found out recently or which is the latest trend. A news blog may contain all recent updates about world, movies, sports, music etc. The thing that matters is your interest.
The second most important aspect of blogging is the content of your posts. The content must be precise, interesting and informative. For attracting more traffic to your blog you need to get a nice title to your posts. These titles get Googled frequently and increase the page rank of your post.
How to Blog?
There are many sites that offer you space to make your own blog. Some famous ones are Blogger, Wordpress, Tumblr, Procetours. I chose Blogger just because I was not having any idea about the others at that time!! I dont want to shift my blog now because then I will have to compromise with my page rank. Certain pre-built tools and gadgets are provided to the bloggers free from these sites. Javascripts may be used to build own tools.
Now, here are some tips from my side that can help bloggers in monitoring their blog and see who visits them.
Google Analytics: Its Google again :).. The analytics gives you a huge amount of information about the visitors of the blog viz the page they visit, amount of time they spend, the area from where they belong, the site from where they refer, how often they visit, even the operating system they use and the browser too..!! :p Visit Google Analytics, register yourself and your blog and enjoy tracing back your visitors. It will ask to add certain Javascrpit onto your home page and some other operations which can easily be done.
Feedjit: FeedJit is a cool tool. It displays the visitor on your blog in a real time basis. The visitors' location will be displayed on the blog itself at whichever corner you wish to place the tool. On clicking the real time display, it shows every visitor location, the sites from where they referred your blog and the keyword they typed in if they Googled your blog and also to which page did they exit. Go for it.. its free.. at least for now..!! :p
Google Feedburner: Recently added to Google. It allows you to generate feeds and sends them to each of your blog's subscriber. RSS feeds or ATOM, anyone can be chosen to begin with.
If you are interested in money making and have a decent regular traffic, you can add Google Adsense onto your blog. Google provides you with some advertisements of other companies which when clicked by a visitor lets you make money. The advertisements are mostly related to the content of your blog.
All these may help you in forming and maintaining your blog. If you have more information.. comments are surely invited..!!
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